While sitting in class your body exerts a force of 600 N on your chair. how much work did you do?

none - I was asleep.

also none, since work=force*distance, and I didn't move


To find out how much work you did while sitting in class, you need to know the displacement and the force applied. However, the given information only includes the force exerted on the chair.

Work (W) is usually defined as the product of force (F) and displacement (d), following the equation:

W = F * d * cos(theta),

where theta is the angle between the direction of the applied force and the direction of displacement. In this case, we can consider the displacement to be zero, as you sat in the same position throughout the class. Hence, theta would also be zero degrees.

Since cos(0) is equal to 1, the equation simplifies to:

W = F * d * cos(0) = F * d * 1 = F * d.

However, without information about the displacement (d), it is not possible to calculate the work done in this situation.