It was 96 kilometers from perry to medford. David raced to medford and idled back. If the round trip took 8 hours, what was his average speed in kilometers per hours?

avg speed = distance/time = 192km/8hr = 24km/hr

I took 96 and divided it by 8. My answer is 12.

To find David's average speed in kilometers per hour, we need to divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken.

First, let's calculate the time taken for the trip to Medford. We know that the distance from Perry to Medford is 96 kilometers, and we want to find the time it took David to cover this distance.

We can use the formula: Time = Distance / Speed.

Let's assume David's speed while traveling to Medford is x kilometers per hour.

So, the time taken for the trip to Medford is: Time1 = Distance / Speed1 = 96 / x.

Similarly, the time taken for the return trip from Medford to Perry would also be 96 / x, as the distance is the same and David's speed remains constant.

Now, we know that the total time for the round trip is 8 hours. Therefore:

Time1 + Time2 = 8
96 / x + 96 / x = 8
(96 + 96) / x = 8
192 / x = 8

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:
192 = 8 * x
192 = 8x

Dividing both sides by 8:
192 / 8 = x
24 = x

Therefore, David's speed while traveling to Medford (and the return trip) was 24 kilometers per hour.

Hence, his average speed for the round trip is 24 kilometers per hour.