Decide if the underlined pronoun (I put what was underlined in parentheses) in the sentences below is being used as a subject, a predicate nominative, or an appositive.

(He) and Bev are using the new computer.

(my answer)predicate nominative

The dancers on the floor are Toni and (he).
(my answer)predicate nominative

(We) language specialists thoroughly enjoy our jobs.

(my answer)subject
predicate nominative

Thanks for the help :)


(my answer)predicate nominative
appositive >> Wrong

(my answer)predicate nominative
appositive >> Correct

(my answer)subject
predicate nominative
appositive >> Correct

Thanks :)

You're welcome.

To decide if the underlined pronoun is being used as a subject, a predicate nominative, or an appositive, we need to understand the role of each of these grammatical terms:

1. Subject: The subject is the noun or pronoun that performs the action or is described by the verb in a sentence.

2. Predicate nominative: A predicate nominative is a noun or pronoun that renames or identifies the subject in a sentence. It follows a linking verb and refers back to the subject.

3. Appositive: An appositive is a noun or pronoun placed next to another noun or pronoun to provide additional information or clarification.

Let's analyze the sentences:

1. "(He) and Bev are using the new computer."

In this sentence, "(He)" is being used as a subject, as it is the pronoun that is performing the action ("are using") along with "Bev."

2. "The dancers on the floor are Toni and (he)."

In this sentence, "(he)" is being used as an appositive. It provides additional information or clarification about the noun "Toni."

3. "(We) language specialists thoroughly enjoy our jobs."

In this sentence, "(We)" is being used as a subject, as it is the pronoun that is performing the action ("enjoy") along with "language specialists."

Based on the analysis, the correct answers are:

1. "(He) and Bev are using the new computer."
- (He): subject

2. "The dancers on the floor are Toni and (he)."
- (he): appositive

3. "(We) language specialists thoroughly enjoy our jobs."
- (We): subject

I hope this explanation helps! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.