100 employees leave a business that originally included 2000 employees. What percentage of the original number of employees did NOT leave?

100 (1900 / 2000) = ?

To find the percentage of the original number of employees that did not leave, you need to calculate the remaining number of employees and then express it as a percentage of the original number of employees.

To find the remaining number of employees, subtract the number of employees who left (100) from the original number of employees (2000):
Remaining employees = 2000 - 100 = 1900 employees

To express this as a percentage of the original number of employees, divide the remaining employees by the original number of employees and multiply by 100:
Percentage of employees who did not leave = (Remaining employees / Original number of employees) * 100
Percentage of employees who did not leave = (1900 / 2000) * 100 = 0.95 * 100 = 95%

Therefore, 95% of the original number of employees did not leave the business.