How do I write four equivalent expressions for 50+225

what is it

Just think of 4 expressions with the same outcome

To write four equivalent expressions for the sum of 50 and 225 (50+225), we can use various mathematical properties and operations. Here are four different ways to express the same sum:

1. Commutative Property: According to the commutative property of addition, changing the order of the numbers being added does not affect the result. So, an equivalent expression would be 225+50.

2. Associative Property: According to the associative property of addition, changing the grouping of numbers being added does not change the sum. Thus, we can express the sum as (50+225).

3. Using Arithmetic Operations: We can utilize different arithmetic operations to represent the same sum. For example:
- 50 + 225
- 100 + 175 (by subtracting 50 and adding 50 to both numbers)
- 25 * 2 + 225 (by dividing 50 by 2 and multiplying both numbers by 2)
- 275 - 25 (by subtracting 225 from 250)

4. Using Parentheses: Parentheses can be used to emphasize the order of operations or highlight certain parts of an equation. By placing parentheses around 50 and 225, we maintain the original expression while adding emphasis: (50+225).

Remember, these expressions all represent the same sum, which is 275.

This sucks it doesnt give you the answer but thank you Psy DAG for giving us three of them!

I dont really care, look it up stupid! if you are on this website the you are cheating so LOOK IT UP DUMMYS!!!!!!!!!

Idk how would I know

Look it up


25^2 * 18

2.75 * 10^2

I'll let you find the fourth one.

Idk how would I know I suck at math and I love all the boys at my school Pacheco we'll in 5th grade especially jasper he is so HOT!!!!