Please help

The weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation were dramatized by all of the following except
My ANSWER is (D)
(A) the Newburgh Conspiracy.
(B) Shays’ Rebellion.
(C) the absence of a centralized authority.
(D) the absence of a single currency.

Impeachment can be characterized as a
My answer is (a)
(A) sole responsibility of the Senate.
(B) shared function between the Senate and the Supreme Court.
(c) shared function between the House of Representative and the Senate.
(D)sole responsibility of the House of Representatives.

In Federalist Paper No. 10, Madison argues that
My Answer is (D)

@The answer can be found in the section “The Federalist Papers.”
(A) factions should be outlawed.
(B) stronger factions are necessary to unify the nation.
(C) factions need to be regulated in order to protect liberty.
(D) more factions make it difficult for any one faction to dominate others.

In creating a new government, the Framers sought to

MY answer is (A)
(A) duplicate the best of English tradition and institutions.
(B) scrap everything British.
(C) create a democratic government.
(D) reaffirm their commitment to a monarchy.

I agree with all of your answers but am a physicist, not a history or government teacher.

Wait a minute. The House of representivives impeaches and the Senate tries and votes - shared resposibility,d.eWU

Thanks Damon though you are not an History or Government teacher you still helped and the suggested answer you gave was correct also THANKS again Damon.

1. Question : Indirect democracy differs from direct democracy in that


2. Question : Separation of powers entails three distinct branches of government so that

ANSWER ** one branch can prevent another branch from tyrannizing the majority.

3. Question : Under John Stuart Mill’s “harm principle,” government may regulate private activities

**** only when one’s actions cause harm to one’s self and/or others.

4. Question : Harold Lasswell defined politics as

****** “who gets what, when, and how.”

5. Question : Liberalism rests in a conception of equality whereby the government

******** must not choose one person’s good over another.

6. Question : The first English settlement of Jamestown, Virginia, was

**************** governed by the Virginia Company whose authority was granted by the King of England.

7. Question : The Connecticut Plan was called the Great Compromise because

**** it allowed states with larger populations to have more representatives in the House and each state to have the same number of votes in the Senate.

8. Question : In creating a new government, the Framers sought to

******** duplicate the best of English tradition and institutions.

9. Question : The purpose of the Constitutional Convention was to

***** revise the Articles of Confederation.

10. Question : Which of the following distinguished the New Jersey Plan from the Virginia Plan?

****** The New Jersey Plan divided power between the states and the national government.

9. The Connecticut Plan was called the Great Compromise because (Points : 1)

it allowed states with larger populations to have more representatives in the House and each state to have the same number of votes in the Senate.
it allowed slave states to keep their slaves.
it provided for a federal executive to be selected by the House.
it allowed for each state to cast one vote for President in the House.

Jefferson justified American separation from Britain in the Declaration of Independence based on (Points : 1)

some of these answers are wrong, do not trust them.

The most notable philosophies influencing America’s founding were

For the question about the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, you correctly identified (D) the absence of a single currency as the answer. To arrive at this answer, you needed to know that the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation were demonstrated by various events and circumstances. By process of elimination, you were able to determine that (D) the absence of a single currency was not one of the events that dramatized these weaknesses.

Regarding the question about impeachment, you correctly chose (A) sole responsibility of the Senate as the answer. To arrive at this answer, you needed to have a general understanding of how impeachment works in the United States. By knowing that impeachment involves the removal of a public official from office due to wrongdoing, you could deduce that the Senate, being part of the legislative branch, has the sole responsibility of carrying out this process.

Finally, in the question about Federalist Paper No. 10, you correctly identified (D) more factions make it difficult for any one faction to dominate others as the answer. To arrive at this answer, you needed to know that Madison's Federalist Paper No. 10 discusses the issue of factions in a democratic society. By considering the various options presented, you could deduce that Madison argues that the presence of more factions prevents one faction from gaining too much power.