
How did Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons differ from earlier peoples?

Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons were the earliest people.

Are you asking how they were different from other hominids?

Well I guess. Yeah?

That's all my question says..

Certainly! Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons were two distinct groups of early humans who lived during different time periods. To understand how they differed from earlier peoples, it's important to look at their anatomical and behavioral characteristics.

First, Neanderthals lived in Europe and parts of Asia between approximately 400,000 and 40,000 years ago. They were characterized by several physical features such as a robust and heavily built body structure, a large nose, and a protruding brow ridge. Neanderthals had shorter limbs compared to Cro-Magnons and stood an average height of about 5'4" for males and 5'0" for females.

On the other hand, Cro-Magnons, who lived in Europe between approximately 40,000 and 10,000 years ago, were anatomically more similar to modern humans. They had a lighter and more gracile skeletal structure, similar to that of present-day humans. Cro-Magnons were taller and had a more prominent chin, higher forehead, and a less prominent brow ridge compared to Neanderthals.

In terms of behavior, evidence suggests that Neanderthals had a more primitive lifestyle. They primarily relied on hunting and gathering, using simple stone tools, and had less complex social structures. Cro-Magnons, meanwhile, had more advanced tool-making techniques, created art, and buried their dead, suggesting cultural and social development.

To gather more detailed information about their differences, you can explore scientific literature, archaeological findings, and anthropological studies. Researchers have conducted extensive studies analyzing skeletal remains, DNA analysis, cave paintings, and archaeological sites associated with both groups.