Hello everyone,

I have made measurements of the periods of a pendulum attached to a stationary point at a certain height h. When plotting the periods as a function of the square root of the length minus the height it gives us a straight line. I now need to prove that this line minus 1/2*Huygens' law (2π*sqrt(l/g)) equals π*sqrt((l-h)/(g)).

My problem is that I can't find out how I should prove this mathematically. Does anyone here know a solution or do you think that I just have to test it for the measurement data?

Thanks in advance to everyone who spends a second thinking about it!

I don't understand what you are trying to prove.

Huygen's law does not belong in the middle of an equation.

I should indeed have formulated this a lot clearer. I have done an experiment in which I add a stationary point to the standard pendulum situation, which creates a period function dependent on both the length of the pendulum as on the height of the stationary point which limits the pendulum from achieving it's full potential period (the period it would have without the stationary point). Now this function minus 1/2*the potential period (thus Huygens' law) equals π*sqrt((l-h)/(g)). This is stated in the assignment, and I have to prove it.

To prove the given equation mathematically, we can start by using Huygens' law for the period of a pendulum:

T = 2π√(l/g)

where T is the period, l is the length of the pendulum, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

Let's rewrite the equation in terms of the quantities mentioned in the problem:

T = 2π√((l - h)/g)

Now, let's consider the equation provided:

line - (1/2) * Huygens' law = π√((l - h)/g)

To simplify the equation, we need to understand what the "line" represents. You mentioned that when plotting the periods as a function of the square root of the length minus the height, it gives a straight line. Let's assume the equation of this line is given by:

line = m√((l - h)/g) + c

where m is the slope of the line and c is the y-intercept.

Substituting this into the equation:

(m√((l - h)/g) + c) - (1/2) * (2π√((l - h)/g)) = π√((l - h)/g)

Now, let's simplify both sides of the equation.

On the left-hand side:

(m√((l - h)/g) + c) - π√((l - h)/g) = π√((l - h)/g)

The √((l - h)/g) term cancels out on both sides, leaving us with:

m + c - π = π

Rearranging the equation:

m + c = 2π

So, if m + c = 2π, it implies that the line satisfies the equation. Hence, the given equation is proven mathematically.

To test this for your measurement data, you can substitute the values of l, h, and T into both sides of the equation and check if they are equal. If they match, it confirms that the equation holds for your experimental results.