If purple flower color is dominant and red flower color recessive, how many phenotypes are possible in offspring of homozygous purple crossed with homozygous red?


I put 1.

Right, all will be Pr.

To determine the number of possible phenotypes in the offspring of a genetic cross, we need to consider the genotypes involved.

In this case, we have homozygous purple (PP) crossed with homozygous red (rr). Since purple color is dominant and red color is recessive, the genotype of the offspring will be heterozygous (Pp).

The phenotype refers to the observable characteristic, in this case, the flower color. So, considering the genotypes, there are two possible phenotypes: purple (Pp) and red (rr).

Therefore, the correct answer is 2, not 1.

If purple flower color is dominant and red flower color is recessive, and you cross a homozygous purple flower with a homozygous red flower, the possible phenotypes in the offspring will be:

1. All purple flowers: In this case, all the offspring will inherit the purple color from the homozygous purple parent.

Therefore, the correct answer is 1 phenotype.