a florist has 20 daisies and 36 carnations. She wants to put the same number of each type of flower into vases. what are the possible number of vases she can use?

20 & 36 in one, or

10 and 18 on two, or
5 and 9 in four.
There are no other possibilities.
The number of vases must be a prime factor of both 20 and 36.

Randu orton and john morrison Re the bes

A flower store has 24 roses and 36 carnations. It puts the same number of flowers in each of 6 bouquets.

How many flowers are in each bouquet?

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To find the possible number of vases the florist can use, we need to determine the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 20 and 36 since she wants to put the same number of each type of flower into the vases.

To find the GCD, we can use the Euclidean algorithm. Here's the step-by-step process:

Step 1: Divide 36 by 20. The remainder is 16.
Step 2: Divide 20 by 16. The remainder is 4.
Step 3: Divide 16 by 4. The remainder is 0.

The GCD is the divisor used in the last step, which is 4. Therefore, the florist can use 4 vases.

So, the possible number of vases she can use is 4.