A formation energy of 1.11 eV is required to create a vacancy in a particular metal. At 777oC there is one vacancy for every 22,200 atoms. At what temperature will there be one vacancy for every 11,100 atoms?

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To solve this problem, we will use the equation for the concentration of vacancies in a metal:

n = N * exp(-Ef / (k * T))

- n is the concentration of vacancies (number of vacancies per unit volume)
- N is the total number of atoms in the metal
- Ef is the formation energy of a vacancy (in electronvolts)
- k is the Boltzmann constant (8.617333262145 x 10^-5 eV/K)
- T is the temperature in Kelvin

First, let's calculate the concentration of vacancies at 777°C. We need to convert the temperature to Kelvin by adding 273 to the Celsius value:

T1 = 777 + 273 = 1050 K

Given that there is one vacancy for every 22,200 atoms, we can calculate the concentration of vacancies (n1):

n1 = 1 / 22,200

Now, let's solve for the formation energy (Ef) at T1:

1 / 22,200 = N * exp(-Ef / (k * 1050))

Next, let's calculate the concentration of vacancies at the desired condition where we want one vacancy for every 11,100 atoms:

n2 = 1 / 11,100

We can now solve for the temperature (T2) using the same equation with the formation energy (Ef) as the unknown:

1 / 11,100 = N * exp(-Ef / (k * T2))

Now, we have two equations:

1 / 22,200 = N * exp(-Ef / (k * 1050)) ---(1)
1 / 11,100 = N * exp(-Ef / (k * T2)) ---(2)

Dividing equation (1) by equation (2):

(1 / 22,200) / (1 / 11,100) = (N * exp(-Ef / (k * 1050))) / (N * exp(-Ef / (k * T2)))

2 = exp(-Ef / (k * 1050)) / exp(-Ef / (k * T2))

Since the bases of the exponents are the same, the exponents must be equal:

-Ef / (k * 1050) = -Ef / (k * T2)

Dividing both sides by -Ef and simplifying:

1 / (k * 1050) = 1 / (k * T2)

k * T2 = k * 1050

T2 = 1050 K

Therefore, the temperature at which there will be one vacancy for every 11,100 atoms is 1050 K.