What changed, if anything, in the American political culture between 2004 and 2008? Further, please feel free to examine changes to 2012, and how they might influence this year's November presidential and congressional elections.

To understand the changes in American political culture between different years, including 2004, 2008, and 2012, as well as their potential influence on the upcoming November 2020 presidential and congressional elections, we need to examine several sources of information and analyze various factors. Here's how you can go about finding this information yourself:

1. Academic articles and books: Start by searching for scholarly articles and books that analyze the political culture of the United States during the specified periods. These sources often provide in-depth insights and analyses based on extensive research. You can use academic databases like JSTOR, Google Scholar, or your local library's database to find relevant material. Be sure to include keywords like "American political culture," "changes," and the specific years you are interested in.

2. News archives: Look for news articles or archives from reputable sources that cover the time periods you want to explore. Newspapers and magazines might publish articles discussing shifts or notable events in American political culture during those years. Websites like ProQuest or LexisNexis offer access to an extensive collection of news articles and archives.

3. Government reports and analysis: Government agencies and research organizations often release reports and studies that examine changes in American political culture. The Pew Research Center, for example, conducts surveys and publishes reports on political attitudes and trends. Check their website or similar organizations for relevant studies.

4. Opinion polls and surveys: Public opinion polls can provide insights into the changing attitudes and behaviors of Americans. Organizations such as Gallup or Ipsos conduct regular surveys on political topics. Look for polls conducted during the years you are interested in to gain a broader understanding of the shifts in political culture.

5. Comparative analysis: To understand the potential influence of the changes observed between 2004, 2008, and 2012 on the upcoming elections, compare the political climate of each year. Look for similarities and differences in the major issues, rhetoric, and voter preferences. This analysis can help you make informed predictions about how previous shifts in political culture might impact this year's election.

Remember to critically evaluate your sources, considering their credibility, biases, and methodology. By utilizing these research methods, you can obtain a comprehensive understanding of the changes in American political culture between the specified years and their potential implications for the upcoming November 2020 elections.