susie went to the store. she spent half her money on groceries. she spent $13 on paper supplies. she still had 1/4 of the amount she began with. how much did she start with?

Let x = the money she started with

(3/4)x + 13 = x

13 = x - (3/4)x

13 = (1/4)x

13 / (1/4) = x

13 * (4/1) = x

52 = x

To determine the amount Susie started with, we can follow these steps:

1. Let's assume the amount Susie started with is X dollars.
2. She spent half of her money on groceries, so she spent X/2 dollars.
3. she spent an additional $13 on paper supplies.
4. After finishing shopping, she still had 1/4 of the amount she began with, which means she had 1/4 * X dollars left.
5. To find the amount she started with, we can create the equation: X/2 - $13 + 1/4 * X = 0.

We can solve this equation to find the value of X, which represents the amount Susie started with.