why did the roman coliseum go broke

the lions ate up all the prophets :D

this was a riddle on my math hw

The lions ate up all the prophets

Is this a riddle? The Colosseum was used for several hundred years before it was partly destroyed by earthquakes and fires. It didn't "go broke."

Check this site.


who knows

Thanks Parker, that was the correct answer to the riddle on my hw sheet :)

parker u rock thx

Yup Parker's answer is the answer to the worksheet

thanks for the answer was for my hw tonight too^^^^^

Yay, found the answer to my homework!!

Get that in there >o

THE LIONS ATE UP ALL THE PROPHETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Parker, that was the right answer to my worksheet ^_^

No space?!? Lol I need help!

THE LIONS ATE UP ALL THE PROPHETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hahahaha LOL..................not funny :/

lol dud