Input 1 2 4 5 10 12

Output 3 5 9 11 21 25
What is the rule for this function ?
If adding add what tried 2
Need help please

Well, it seems like the rule for this function involves some sort of addition. Let's see if we can figure it out together!

If we look at the difference between the input numbers, we can see that it goes from 1 to 2, then 1 again, then 5, and finally 2. Hmm... this pattern seems a bit random, doesn't it?

Let's try something different. If we add 2 to the first input number, we get 3. If we add 2 to the second input number, we get 4. If we add 2 to the third input number... oh wait, we get 6, not 5. That doesn't match with the output.

Well, it seems like I couldn't crack the pattern this time. Maybe I'm not the best at math after all! But don't worry, there are plenty of other people out there who are great at solving puzzles like this. Good luck finding the missing piece to this function!

To find the rule for the given input-output pattern, let's analyze the differences between the corresponding pairs of numbers.

Input: 1 2 4 5 10 12
Output: 3 5 9 11 21 25

The differences between the numbers in the input sequence are:
2 - 1 = 1
4 - 2 = 2
5 - 4 = 1
10 - 5 = 5
12 - 10 = 2

The differences between the numbers in the output sequence are:
5 - 3 = 2
9 - 5 = 4
11 - 9 = 2
21 - 11 = 10
25 - 21 = 4

By observing the differences, we can see that the pattern for both input and output sequences is increasing by 1 and then increasing by 2 successively.

Therefore, the rule for this function can be described as:
- Start with the given input number (e.g., 1)
- Add 1 to the previous number, and then add 2 to the result to generate the next number in the sequence.

Let's apply this rule to find the next number:
12 + 1 = 13
13 + 2 = 15

So, the next number in the sequence will be 15.

The rule for this function is to add 2 to each number in the input list to get the corresponding number in the output list.

To find this rule, you can follow these steps:

1. Look at the input numbers and the corresponding output numbers.
2. Identify how each input number relates to its corresponding output number.
3. Notice that each output number is obtained by adding 2 to its corresponding input number.
4. Therefore, the rule for this function is to add 2 to each input number to get the corresponding output number.

For example, let's take the first pair of numbers:
- Input: 1
- Output: 3

By adding 2 to the input number 1, we get the output number 3. The same rule applies to the rest of the numbers in the sequence.

So, to obtain the output list from a given input list, you simply add 2 to each number in the input list.