What is 23 times 17 in arrays and algorithm


To find the product of 23 times 17 using arrays and algorithms, we can use a multiplication algorithm called "long multiplication" or "grid method." Here's how it works:

Step 1: Setting up the grid:
Draw a grid with two columns and two rows. Label the top row with the numbers you're multiplying (23) and the left column with the numbers you're multiplying it by (17).

1 7
2 3 | |

Step 2: Multiply the digits:
Starting with the right-most digit in the bottom row, multiply it by each digit in the top row. Write the partial products in each corresponding cell. In this case, we have:

1 7
2 3 | | (3 times 17 = 51)

Step 3: Add the partial products:
Add up the values in each column, carrying any value greater than 9 to the next column. In this case, we have:

1 7
2 3 | | (3 times 17 = 51)
| 3 9 1 |

Step 4: Write the result:
The final step is to write the result of the multiplication. In this case, the product of 23 times 17 is 391.

So, 23 times 17 is equal to 391, which is the result we obtained by using the arrays and long multiplication algorithm.