What is the intensity in watts per meter squared of 85.0 db sound?


my nuts itcg

my dad beats me

To calculate the intensity in watts per meter squared (W/m^2) from the sound level in decibels (dB), you need to use the formula:

Intensity (W/m^2) = 10^((L - L0) / 10)

- L is the sound level in dB.
- L0 is the standard reference sound level, which for most cases is 0 dB.

In your case, you have a sound level of 85.0 dB. The standard reference sound level (L0) is 0 dB. Let's substitute these values into the formula:

Intensity (W/m^2) = 10^((85.0 - 0) / 10)
= 10^(85.0 / 10)
= 10^(8.5)

Using a calculator, you can evaluate this expression:

Intensity (W/m^2) ≈ 31622.7766 W/m^2

Therefore, the intensity of an 85.0 dB sound is approximately 31622.7766 watts per meter squared (W/m^2).