Use algebra tiles to find the difference. Let one white tile equal +1and one black tile equal -1.6-(-9)


To find the difference 6 - (-9), you can represent the numbers using algebra tiles. Let's assign one white tile as +1 and one black tile as -1.

For 6, we will use 6 white tiles (+1 each).

For (-9), we will use 9 black tiles (-1 each) since we have a negative sign in front of the 9.

Now we will subtract the tiles:

6 - (-9) can be represented as 6 white tiles minus 9 black tiles.

When we combine the tiles, we will end up having 6 white tiles and 9 black tiles.

Since 1 black tile represents -1, and we have 9 black tiles in total, the sum of these tiles is -9.

So, 6 - (-9) is equal to 6 + (-9), which simplifies to -3.

Therefore, the difference between 6 and (-9) is -3.

To use algebra tiles to find the difference between 6 and -9, we can represent 6 using six white tiles (+1 each) and -9 using nine black tiles (-1 each).

So, let's start by representing 6 as six white tiles:


Now, to find the difference between 6 and -9, we need to subtract nine black tiles:

++++++ - --------- = ?

The negative sign in front of -9 means that we are subtracting nine black tiles. When subtracting, we can imagine removing tiles from the positive side.

Since 1 white tile equals +1 and 1 black tile equals -1, we can pair a white tile with a black tile and they will cancel out each other.

Let's pair the tiles:

[++] [++] [++] [++] [++] [++] - --------- = ?

Now, we have 6 white tiles left.

[++] [++] [++] [++] [++] [++]

Therefore, the difference between 6 and -9 is 6.