I saw a website that said the world will end in 2015. Is this true or not? I'm getting really really scared.

Sorry, but my crystal ball is hazy this afternoon and I can't see 2015.

However, since the beginning of time, people have predicted the end of the world -- and -- gee! We're still here!

This entertaining article lists a lot of dates on which the world was or is supposed to end. 2015 is not listed.


Even though it says that the world will end in 10100 years and earth will be unhabitable in 5,000,000,000 years but I don't have to worry because I will be passed away by then.

Thanks Ms.Sue you relived me of stress.
Thanks :)

that is not true

I understand your concern, but I can assure you that the information you saw is not true. The belief that the world will end in a specific year is a common conspiracy theory that has been circulating for many years. However, there is no scientific evidence or credible sources supporting the claim that the world will end in 2015 or any other specific year.

To verify the accuracy of any information you come across, it's important to critically evaluate the sources and consider the credibility of the information presented. In this case, you can check multiple reliable sources such as reputable news organizations, scientific institutions, or official government websites to find accurate information about scientific discoveries, global events, and other topics. Remember that it's always better to rely on credible sources to get accurate information and avoid unnecessary panic.