
Which of the following examples of dialogue shows the correct punctuation? (1 point)

Madison said, "We should all go to the hardware store".
Madison said, "We should all go to the hardware store."
Madison said "We should all go to the hardware store."

Which of the following is most helpful in creating the mood of a story? (1 point)

adding sensory details
writing about personal experiences
using chronological order

Which of the following devices does not alter the chronological order of a story? (1 point)



Which would you add to the sentence below in order to make it more vibrant and interesting to read?

The leaves hung on the trees.
(1 point)


My answers:
1. Madison said, "We should all go to the hardware store."
2. adding sensory details
3. subplot
4. modifiers

All are correct. :-)

Thanks so much!!!!

You're very welcome.

Your answers are correct!

1. The correct punctuation for dialogue is: Madison said, "We should all go to the hardware store." This is the correct format because the quotation marks are placed at the beginning and end of the spoken words and the punctuation mark is inside the closing quotation marks.

2. Adding sensory details is the most helpful in creating the mood of a story. Sensory details engage the reader's senses and help them visualize the setting, atmosphere, and emotions of the story.

3. The device that does not alter the chronological order of a story is a subplot. A subplot is a secondary storyline that runs parallel to the main plot but does not disrupt the chronological sequence of events.

4. To make the sentence "The leaves hung on the trees" more vibrant and interesting to read, you would add modifiers. Modifiers are descriptive words or phrases that provide more detail and enhance the visual imagery in the sentence. For example, you could add "The vibrant leaves hung gracefully on the tall, sturdy trees."