In studies involving children, the ____ should have the final word in deciding whether they should participate.

A. Children
B. Researchers
C. Therapists
D. Parents

I think it is either B or D. I am conflicted because parents would have already agreed to letting their child participate in the study, but the researcher has to decide which child participates and which one doesn't. All together though, I don't know who should have the final word, since they are all important to have say.

I'm sure it's D. Presumably the researchers have chosen the children and then asked the parents for permission.

A Piagetian classroom emphasizes

A. adult teaching of basic concepts with the use of repeated tests.
B. directly rewarding children for the right answers.
C. allowing children to independently work through difficult tasks.
D. children’s discovery learning and direct contact with the environment

In studies involving children, it is important to consider the opinions and perspectives of all relevant parties. Ultimately, the well-being and best interests of the child should be the primary concern.

While researchers and therapists play important roles in determining the design and implementation of the study, the final decision should not be solely in their hands. They may have expertise in research methodologies or therapy approaches, but they may not have the same level of familiarity with the child's personal circumstances.

Parents, on the other hand, have a unique understanding of their child's needs, preferences, and overall welfare. They can provide valuable insights into the appropriateness of the study for their child, taking into account factors such as the child's physical and emotional health, time commitments, and potential risks and benefits.

As a general principle, it is recommended that parents have the final word in deciding whether their child should participate in a study involving children. This is based on the premise that parents are legally responsible for their child's well-being and have the primary duty to protect them from any potential harm.

Therefore, the correct answer to your question is D. Parents should have the final word in deciding whether their child should participate in studies involving children.