Eric eats 1/6 of an apple pie and Jack eats 1/4 of the apple pie. How much of the pie has been eaten?

I helped my brother with this test the answers are

1. c



I promise these are the correct answers


Damn, you guys are really fighting over a correct awnser? I mean, you guys can fight, but think about what you are doing. I mean, really? Spend your own time to yell at kids / teens / adults who are saying which awnser is which? Go and do something different with your lives? Or something! I honestly do not care! Just find something else to do then to yell at kids / teens / adults on the internet! Please, for your own sake, Stop! Or, go look at memes, im cool with that.

So Ms. sue you answers to her in 2012! But you give her the wrong answer THREE years later? lol Dat aint right

Ms. Sue is not one person it is just multiple differnet people most likely the


Lol this is late, the answer is 5/12 Ms. Su. Looks like you were wrong.

thank u so much perfech i got 100%

Yea Ms. sue are u a kid or a grown up cause if u are a grown up u need to get ur facts right

wow people are just fighting but the fight is making me crack up

Mrs. Sue sorry to inform you but you are incorrect. I just did it and 5/12 is the answer. So sorry.

yeah perfech is right

Ok thanks for the help! Just remember what you put on the inernet stays there! It can hurt people....soooo Just be nice! :)

You guys do know that that's not the real Mrs.sue right?

lol ikr like there's nothing to be fighting over like WOW!!!!!!!!

buyfytogbtbvltiq8ghl4iuvulg4bl its 1/3

Hey guys I think we all need to calm down and thx perfech

ms sue im not beig mean but uhh this is a place for answers not trash talk and everyone else stop telling her shes wrong so much its kinda your fault for saying so much

thx perfech I got a 100%. :)

Well, the fight just makes me feel better on a bad day... I like drama. But not when I'm in it ;-;

Yeet… I guess??

Yesssss tempest

eh ms sue is wrong. but uh bye

Thank you perfech 100%

Thank for the 100% perfech

Oh and uhh, Bell is correct I just got that one correct on my assement on, it is a great school.

perfech is correct i got 100%



I swear

thx perfch and contact kid i got a 100%


WOULD Y PLEASE STOP FIGHITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, it's 1/3. Try working it out again.

Quinn and Kailyn and Asuna just shutup who cares you ugly children

You kids shut up, everyone makes mistakes. on't call the ugly though

I showed you how to do the last two problems. Now it's your turn.