Can you help me? I am stumped! We are supposed to use our book to fill in the answers. This is the questions I need your help with

1. A (n) is a state's or a country's system of producing, and consuming goods and services.
My answer is economy, but our book has three different kinds of economy - traditional, command, and market. Should it be one of these?
2. requires that people's needs and wants be balanced against limited resources. My answer is Scarcity

Yes, it's economy. Scarcity is also correct.

Of course, I'd be happy to help you out!

Let's break down each question and find the answers using the information in your book.

1. "A (n) is a state's or a country's system of producing and consuming goods and services."

Based on your answer choices of traditional, command, and market, it seems like you are looking for the specific type of economy being referred to in the question.

To find the answer, you should consult your book's explanation of the different types of economies. Look for information about the basic characteristics and features of traditional, command, and market economies.

Once you have found the relevant section in your book, read the descriptions of the three types thoroughly. Evaluate each option by considering which one best aligns with the idea of a state or country's system of producing and consuming goods and services. Identify any differences or key attributes that distinguish one type from the others.

After analyzing the descriptions, select the option that most accurately matches the definition given in the question. If you have trouble narrowing it down, you can work through the process of elimination by ruling out options that clearly do not fit the definition.

Remember, the goal is to use the information provided in your book to determine the correct answer. Don't hesitate to refer to additional resources or seek clarification from your instructor if needed.

2. " requires that people's needs and wants be balanced against limited resources."

For this question, it appears that your answer is "Scarcity." Again, to ensure your answer is correct, refer to your book for information on scarcity.

Look for definitions or explanations of scarcity within the context of economics. Pay attention to how scarcity relates to the concept of limited resources and the balancing of people's needs and wants.

Read through the relevant sections in your book and identify any details or examples provided to help you understand the concept of scarcity better. Remember to consider how scarcity impacts decision-making and resource allocation.

Once you have a good understanding of the concept, assess whether "Scarcity" accurately captures the idea presented in the question. If it aligns with your understanding from the book, then your answer is correct.

In summary, to answer these questions correctly, you should consult your book's explanations of economies and scarcity. Analyze the details and characteristics presented in the book, compare them to the information provided in the questions, and select the options that best fit the given definitions.