What's the CORRECT pronunciation of "Scylla?"


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The correct pronunciation of "Scylla" is "SKIL-uh." To confirm this pronunciation, you can follow a few steps:

1. Dictionary: Look up "Scylla" in a reliable dictionary, such as Merriam-Webster or Oxford English Dictionary. These sources often provide phonetic notations or audio clips that demonstrate the correct pronunciation.

2. Audio Resources: Utilize online platforms like Forvo or HowToPronounce, where native speakers record themselves pronouncing words. Searching for "Scylla" on these websites can provide you with multiple audio examples and variations of the pronunciation.

3. Language Experts: Seek advice from language experts or linguists who specialize in the language of origin, which is Greek in this case. Their knowledge can provide insights into the correct pronunciation based on the original language's phonetics.

Remember, when using online sources, it is advisable to utilize multiple resources and cross-reference the pronunciation to ensure accuracy and consistency.