Name three factors of 100,000,000 that are not multiples of 10.

The factors of 10 will give you two of them. Wouldn't 10 be the third?

To find factors of a number, we need to identify the numbers that divide it evenly. In this case, we have three factors of 100,000,000 that are not multiples of 10. Let's work through the steps to identify them:

Step 1: Prime Factorization
To find the factors, we'll start by finding the prime factorization of 100,000,000. This will help us identify all the prime factors and their powers.

100,000,000 = (2^8) * (5^8)

Step 2: Factors
To find factors that are not multiples of 10, we can use the prime factors from the prime factorization. We'll consider all possible combinations of prime factors to form factors that are not multiples of 10.

1. One factor could have eight powers of 2 and no powers of 5:
Factor = (2^8) = 256

2. Another factor could have no powers of 2 and eight powers of 5:
Factor = (5^8) = 390,625

3. The last factor could have four powers of 2 and four powers of 5:
Factor = (2^4) * (5^4) = 625,000

Hence, the three factors of 100,000,000 that are not multiples of 10 are 256, 390,625, and 625,000.