I am a 3 digits number less than 200. the tenths place is 2x more than the ones place. the number in the ones place is 2. what number am i?

Well lets break this up first.

Clue 1: is i am a 3 digit number less than 200, only number possible there is 1.
Clue 2: is the tens is 2x ones' place. so look at clue 3.
clue 3: The ones place is 2.

So then the tens is 2 times 2 which is 4.
So the number would be 142.

Let's break down the given information to identify the number.

First, we know that the number is less than 200.

Next, we are told that the tenths place is 2 times more than the ones place. Since the ones place is 2, the tenths place must be 2 times 2, which is 4.

Therefore, the number we are looking for is 42.

To find the number, we need to follow the given conditions. Let's break it down step by step:

1. The number is less than 200: Since the number is 3 digits and less than 200, it can be any number between 100 and 199.

2. The ones place is 2: This means that the last digit of the number is 2. So, the number could be 102, 112, 122, 132, and so on.

3. The tenths place is 2x more than the ones place: The tenths place is the second digit of the number. Since the ones place is 2, we need to find a number where the second digit is twice the value of 2.

Let's try a few examples to see if any of them satisfy this condition:

- For the number 102, the tenths place is 0, which is not twice the value of 2.
- For the number 112, the tenths place is 1, which is also not twice the value of 2.
- For the number 122, the tenths place is 2, which matches the condition!

Therefore, the number you are is 122.