what is the major product of a reaction with 1-butene and Br2 in water?


To determine the major product of a reaction between 1-butene (C4H8) and bromine (Br2) in water, we need to consider the mechanism of the reaction.

1. The reaction between 1-butene and Br2 involves an electrophilic addition reaction. In the presence of water, bromine can undergo electrophilic addition across the double bond of 1-butene.

2. The reaction begins by the attack of bromine on the double bond of 1-butene, resulting in the formation of a bromonium ion intermediate. This intermediate consists of bridged halonium ions, where the bromine atom is bonded to both carbon atoms of the double bond.

3. In the next step, water acts as a nucleophile, attacking one of the carbon atoms of the bromonium ion intermediate. This leads to the displacement of the bromine atom and the formation of an alcohol.

Taking into account the structure of 1-butene (C4H8) and the mechanism of the reaction, the major product of the reaction between 1-butene and Br2 in water is 2-bromobutanol (C4H9BrO).