erica counted 45 fingers when the students were asked who wants to play many hands went up?

It would be 9 as Steve said because when you divide or even draw the hands youll get 9.

the answer is precisley 9 hands:)

The Correct Answer Should Be Nine Hands.If Done In Real Life,You'd Know Already,If Not Just Count By Five.Therefore,The Answer Is Nine(9)

right. 45 isn't evenly divisible by 4, so now what?

So, maybe erica miscounted.

maybe some hands had more fingers than others.

maybe all the students were giving erica "the finger" and there were 45 hands.

come on, man. I think we can assume that "fingers" meant "digits" and that each student raised one hand.

nice try, though.

erica counted 45 finger how many hands went up.

The Answer Should Be Nine Hands,Of You Did It In Real Life It'll Make Sense!^^

Erica counted 45 fingers when the students were asked to play kickball.How many hands went up?

45 fingers how many fingers went up?

Is the answer really is nine yes or no

at 5 fingers per hand,

45/5 = 9 hands

thumbs are not fingers