_______ pioneered the field of corporate public relations.

A. Henry Ford
B. Ivy. L. Lee
C. Samuel Gompers
D. Margaret Robins

Ivy L. Lee

Ivy Ledbetter Lee

To determine who pioneered the field of corporate public relations, we can look at the given options and explore the background and contributions of each individual mentioned.

A. Henry Ford: While Henry Ford is known for his significant contributions to the automotive industry and the development of the assembly line, he is not typically associated with pioneering corporate public relations.

B. Ivy L. Lee: Ivy L. Lee is widely recognized as one of the pioneers of modern corporate public relations. He worked as a press agent and is credited with establishing the first public relations department for the Pennsylvania Railroad Company in the early 1900s. Lee is considered a key figure in shaping the field of corporate public relations and introducing various practices, including openness, transparency, and establishing relationships between companies and the public.

C. Samuel Gompers: Samuel Gompers was a prominent labor leader and served as the President of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) from 1886 until his death in 1924. While Gompers played a crucial role in advancing labor rights and improving working conditions, he is not associated with pioneering corporate public relations.

D. Margaret Robins: Margaret Robins was a women's rights advocate and suffragist who fought for women's rights, labor reform, and social welfare. However, she is not known for her contributions to the field of corporate public relations.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Ivy L. Lee.