Imagine that you were the CEO of Apple computer. Recognizing the importance of developing strategies to adapt to environmental and economic uncertainty, what steps would you take to scan your business environment? Can you keep track of all aspects of the environment? If not what aspects will you focus on and why? How might the Apple corporation use benchmarking as a tool for improvement even though they are an organization that is a recognized leader in the industry? Be sure to research and cite sources to support your statements.

As the CEO of Apple, I would recognize the importance of scanning the business environment to adapt to uncertainty. To scan the business environment effectively, there are several steps I would take:

1. Develop a comprehensive environmental scanning process: I would establish a dedicated team responsible for monitoring and analyzing various aspects of the business environment. This team would conduct research, collect data, and analyze trends to provide insights for strategic decision-making.

2. Monitor macro-environmental factors: I would focus on tracking macroeconomic indicators, such as GDP growth, interest rates, and inflation, as these factors significantly impact consumer spending and business operations. Additionally, monitoring technological advancements, political and regulatory changes, and social trends would help identify opportunities and potential risks.

3. Analyze industry and competitive landscape: Keeping a close eye on the industry and competitors is crucial. I would analyze market trends, industry growth rates, entry barriers, customer preferences, and competitive strategies to stay ahead in the market.

4. Engage in customer research: Understanding consumer behavior and preferences is vital for Apple's success. Conducting regular customer surveys, focus groups, and market research would provide valuable insights into customer needs, preferences, and emerging trends.

5. Embrace digital technologies: Utilizing advanced analytics tools, social media listening platforms, and AI-based sentiment analysis can help gather and analyze vast amounts of data from various sources. These technologies can provide real-time insights into consumer sentiment, emerging trends, and potential risks.

While it is not possible to keep track of all aspects of the business environment, focusing on key areas would provide the most valuable information for decision-making. These areas include economic factors, technological advancements, industry dynamics, competitive landscape, and customer preferences.

Regarding the use of benchmarking, even as a recognized industry leader, Apple can benefit from this tool. Benchmarking involves comparing performance, processes, and practices against industry peers or best-in-class entities to identify areas for improvement and learn from others.

Apple can use benchmarking to:

1. Identify and adopt best practices: By benchmarking against competitors or other industries, Apple can identify practices that lead to superior performance and implement them within their own organization.

2. Set performance targets: Benchmarking can help Apple set ambitious yet achievable performance targets based on industry or peer performance. This can drive continuous improvement and innovation within the organization.

3. Track progress: Regular benchmarking exercises enable Apple to assess their progress over time and identify areas where they have excelled or need improvement. This continuous feedback loop can guide strategic decision-making.

1. Johnson, G., Scholes, K., & Whittington, R. (2019). Exploring Strategy. Pearson.
2. Cooper, D. R., & Schindler, P. S. (2017). Business Research Methods. McGraw-Hill Education.