Sensory was intact to light touch, proprioception, and pinprick.

This makes no sense. What are you supposed to do with this?

no sense

To understand whether sensory perception is intact to light touch, proprioception, and pinprick, a thorough neurological examination is usually conducted. Here's how to assess each type of sensory perception:

1. Light Touch: This test evaluates the ability to perceive gentle stimulation on the skin. The examiner uses a cotton swab or a wisp of cotton to lightly touch various areas of the body while the patient's eyes are closed. The patient is then asked to identify the region being touched. If the patient accurately identifies the location, it suggests that the sensory perception to light touch is intact.

2. Proprioception: Proprioception refers to the awareness of the body's position in space and the ability to perceive joint movements. To assess proprioception, the examiner usually holds a patient's finger or toe by its sides and moves it up or down without allowing the patient to see the movement. The patient is then asked to point in the direction the examiner moved the digit. If the patient correctly identifies the direction of movement, it indicates intact proprioception.

3. Pinprick: This test examines the ability to perceive sharp or painful stimuli. It can be performed using a pointed object, such as a safety pin or a neurologic pinwheel. The examiner gently pricks different areas of the patient's skin, asking them to report whether they feel a sharp sensation or pain. If the patient correctly identifies the sensation in the appropriate locations, it suggests intact sensory perception to pinprick.

Based on the provided information that sensory was intact to light touch, proprioception, and pinprick, it implies that the patient could accurately perceive and discriminate these different types of sensory stimuli.