When you do the subtraction shown on the right 4,126 - 2,487, you regroup 1 thousand to 10 hundreds. Does that give you 11 hundreds? Explain

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When subtracting two numbers, regrouping is a process used when there is a need to borrow from a higher place value. In this case, we are subtracting 2,487 from 4,126.

To understand the regrouping process, let's break down the numbers into their place values:

4,126 can be broken down as:
- 4 thousands (4,000)
- 1 hundred (100)
- 2 tens (20)
- 6 ones (6)

2,487 can be broken down as:
- 2 thousands (2,000)
- 4 hundreds (400)
- 8 tens (80)
- 7 ones (7)

Now, let's start subtracting from the rightmost place value, which is the ones place:
- 6 (from 4,126) - 7 (from 2,487) = -1

Since 6 is smaller than 7, we need to regroup or borrow from the tens place. We take one ten (representing 10 ones) from the original value of 2 tens (20) and add it to the ones place of the 6 ones (from 4,126). So, regrouping now gives us:
- 10 ones + 6 ones = 16 ones

Now, let's continue with the subtraction:

- 2 tens (from 20, after regrouping) - 8 tens (from 2,487) = -6

Since 2 is smaller than 8, we need to regroup or borrow from the hundreds place. We take one hundred (representing 10 tens) from the original value of 1 hundred (100) and add it to the tens place of the 2 tens (from 20). So, regrouping now gives us:
- 10 tens (from 1 hundred, after regrouping) + 2 tens (from 20, after regrouping) = 12 tens

Now, let's continue with the subtraction:

- 12 tens (from 120, after regrouping) - 4 hundreds (from 2,487) = -3 hundreds

Next, let's subtract the thousands:

- 4 thousands (from 4,126) - 2 thousands (from 2,487) = 2 thousands

Combining all the subtraction results, we have:

- 2,487 - 4,126 = -2 thousands, -3 hundreds, -6 tens, -1 ones

To answer your specific question, when you regrouped 1 thousand to 10 hundreds, it does not automatically give you 11 hundreds. The correct result of regrouping is the addition of those two values in the hundreds place, which is 10 + 1. Therefore, the regrouping gives you 11 hundreds.