Can you check

2z - 3y -8z + y
I got : 2z-8z-3y +y
= -6z -4y
=. -2y


Please try again.

I don't know how

To simplify the expression 2z - 3y - 8z + y, you can combine the like terms.

First, group the terms with z together: 2z - 8z. This simplifies to -6z.
Next, group the terms with y together: -3y + y. This simplifies to -2y.

Therefore, the expression 2z - 3y - 8z + y simplifies to -6z - 2y.
It seems like there was a mistake in your calculation when you simplified -6z - 2y to -2y. The correct simplified expression is -6z - 2y.