a chef can bake 15 pies in one hour. What is the rate in pies per minute?

15/60 = ______ pies per minute

a chef can bake 15 cakes in one hour. what is the rate in pies per mintue



how do you did you get 15/60

A chef can bake 15 pies in one hour.

What is the rate in pies per minute?

what is the answer

To calculate the rate in pies per minute, we need to convert the given rate of pies per hour to pies per minute.

Step 1: We know that there are 60 minutes in one hour, so we can use this conversion factor to convert from hours to minutes.

15 pies/hour * (60 minutes/1 hour)

Step 2: Next, we can simplify the equation by canceling out the unit of "hour" from the numerator and denominator.

15 pies * (60 minutes/1)

Step 3: Finally, we multiply the number of pies by the conversion factor to get the rate in pies per minute.

15 pies * 60 minutes = 900 pies per minute

Thus, the rate at which the chef can bake pies is 900 pies per minute.