A college bookstore ordered six boxes of red pens. The store sold 32 red pens last week and 35 red pens this week. Five pens were left on the shelf. How many pens were in each box?

(32 + 35 + 5) / 6 = ?

12 in each box

To find out how many pens were in each box, we need to subtract the number of pens sold from the total number of pens ordered and then divide that by the number of boxes.

First, let's calculate the total number of red pens that were sold:
Total pens sold = pens sold last week + pens sold this week
Total pens sold = 32 + 35
Total pens sold = 67

Next, let's calculate the remaining number of pens on the shelf:
Remaining pens = total pens ordered - total pens sold
Remaining pens = 6 boxes * number of pens in each box - 67 pens
Remaining pens = 6x - 67, where x is the number of pens in each box

We know that there were 5 pens left on the shelf, so we can set up the equation:
Remaining pens = 5

Plugging in the values, we have:
6x - 67 = 5

Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of x:
6x = 5 + 67
6x = 72
x = 12

Therefore, there were 12 pens in each box.