determine the slope of an area, given the following: Start measuring at 700ft. measure a distance of 4 miles, and end at an elevation of 2432ft

To determine the slope of an area, we need to calculate the change in elevation (rise) over the change in distance (run). In this case, the starting elevation is 700ft and the ending elevation is 2432ft, with a distance of 4 miles.

Step 1: Convert the distance from miles to feet.
Since 1 mile is equal to 5280 feet, 4 miles is equal to 4 * 5280 = 21,120 feet.

Step 2: Calculate the change in elevation (rise).
The change in elevation is the difference between the ending elevation and the starting elevation: 2432ft - 700ft = 1732ft.

Step 3: Calculate the slope.
The slope is the change in elevation divided by the change in distance:
slope = change in elevation / change in distance
slope = 1732ft / 21120ft

To simplify the slope, you can divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor.
In this case, the greatest common divisor is 4. Thus, dividing both numerator and denominator by 4:

slope = 433ft / 5280ft

Therefore, the slope of the area is 433ft / 5280ft.

Note: Keep in mind that slope can be expressed as a ratio, a decimal, or a percentage.