what is the equation for activation energy in terms of chemical kinetics. i tried to look it up but i get something different every time

Different chemical reactions have different forms for the forward reaction rate and its dependence upon concentrations and temperature. For binary reactions, it can often be written in the form

reaction rate = k [A]*[B]*T^n*exp(-Ea/RT)

The temperature dependence is usually dominated by the exp(-Ea/RT)term, which is often called the "Arrhenius factor". Ea is called the activation energy.
The value of Ea varies greatly from one reaction to another. In some cases it is zero. However, can be large even for an endothermic reaction because there is usually an "activation energy barrier" that must be exceeded to get the reaction to proceed. The values of k and the exponent n also vary a lot.

The equation that I wrote is often a curve fit to experimental data. It is almost impossible to derive from first principles (quantum mechanics) but progress is being made for simple reactions.

The equation for activation energy in terms of chemical kinetics is given by the Arrhenius equation. The Arrhenius equation is used to calculate the rate constant (k) of a chemical reaction at a specific temperature. The equation is as follows:

k = A * e^(-Ea/RT)

k is the rate constant
A is the pre-exponential factor or frequency factor (representing the collision frequency of reactant molecules)
Ea is the activation energy
R is the ideal gas constant (8.314 J/(mol·K))
T is the temperature in Kelvin

To calculate the rate constant (k) using the Arrhenius equation, you need to know the pre-exponential factor (A), activation energy (Ea), the gas constant (R), and the temperature (T).

To find the activation energy (Ea), you can rearrange the Arrhenius equation:

Ea = -R * T * ln(k/A)

To obtain the activation energy, you need the rate constant (k), the pre-exponential factor (A), the temperature (T), and the gas constant (R).

It is important to note that the Arrhenius equation is an empirical equation and applies to reactions where the reaction rate is mainly affected by temperature.