a bb gun has a muzzle velocity of 325 ft/sec. How long will it take the bb to hit the ground?

How far will the bb travel?

depends on

the height of the muzzle of the gun when fired
the angle of the barrel when fired

But this is all the info we get, is there no way to determine answer?

As the anonymous says this is all the info we got

To determine how long it will take for the BB to hit the ground, we need to calculate the time it takes for the BB to fall from its initial height to the ground.

We'll use the formula for the time of flight for an object falling under the influence of gravity:

time = √(2 * height / acceleration due to gravity)

In this case, the initial height is not provided, so we assume the BB starts at ground level (height = 0).

The acceleration due to gravity is approximately 32.2 ft/sec².

Plugging in the values into the formula, we get:
time = √(2 * 0 / 32.2)
= √0
= 0 seconds

Therefore, it will take 0 seconds for the BB to hit the ground.

As for how far the BB will travel, we need more information, specifically the range or trajectory of the BB. The muzzle velocity (325 ft/sec) alone does not give us enough details to calculate the distance traveled accurately.