The International Date Line is halfway around the world from the Prime Meridian (0 degrees longitude). Therefore it is at _____ degrees longitude. The International Date Line is, by international agreement, where a given day actually starts. East of the _______ east of the line. West of the line is always one day _______ in time. If it is tuesday east of the line, it is _______ west of the line. HELP ME ON THIS QUESTION!!!!!!!!

Therefore it is at _____ degrees longitude.

Divide 360 by 2

East of the _______ east of the line.
Something is missing here.

West of the line is always one day _______
If it is tuesday east of the line, it is _______ west of the line.

Check this map for the last two answers.

To answer this question, let's break it down step by step:

1. The International Date Line (IDL) is halfway around the world from the Prime Meridian (0 degrees longitude). Therefore, to determine its longitude, we need to know the total longitude around the world.

2. The Earth's circumference is approximately 360 degrees. Since the IDL is halfway around the world from the Prime Meridian, we can divide 360 by 2 to find its longitude. Thus, the International Date Line is located at 180 degrees longitude.

3. According to international agreement, the IDL is where a given day actually starts. East of the IDL, it is one day ahead relative to the time zone west of the line.

4. East of the IDL, the time is ahead in comparison to the time west of the line.

5. If it is Tuesday east of the line, it will be Monday west of the line.

To summarize:
- The International Date Line is located at 180 degrees longitude.
- East of the IDL, it is one day ahead in time.
- West of the IDL, it is one day behind in time.
- If it is Tuesday east of the line, it will be Monday west of the line.

Remember, the International Date Line can be a bit challenging to understand, so breaking it down step by step can help clarify its concept.