A factory can produce two products, x and y, with a profit approximated by P =

I think it's b but I'm not really sure. Can someone show me how to do this or let me check my answer? :)

14x + 22y – 900. The production of y can exceed x by no more than 200 units. Moreover, production levels are limited by the formula x + 2y ≤ 1600. What production levels yield maximum profit?

a. x = 400; y = 600
b. x = 0; y = 0
c. x = 1,600; y = 0
d. x = 0; y = 200

Just took the quiz they are


1.D, (5,0)

2.B, 40 of type A: 80 of type B
3.C, x= 1,600; y= 0

All answers to Linear Programming.

Sophia is right. 100%%

Idiots. The answer was C [x = 1,600; y = 0], not B.

Jake's 100%

lil ded in here

y <= x+200

x+2y <= 1600

maximize 14x+22y-900

Surely (0,0) will not yield maximum profit!

If you evaluate p(x,y) at the line intersections, you will find

p(0,0) = -900
p(0,200) = 3500
p(400,600) = 17900
p(1600,0) = 21500

Thank you Jake I got 100%



x = 14,y = -2

d a d

Updated answers

1. D
2. D
3. A