Selena is making cookies. To make one dozen cookies, she needs 2/3 cup of brown sugar. How many cups of brown sugar does Selena need to make 4 1/3 dozen cookies?

(2/3) * (13/3) = ?


Denise used cup brown sugar to make 2 dozen cookies. How many cups of brown sugar are in one dozen?

To find out how many cups of brown sugar Selena needs to make 4 1/3 dozen cookies, we first need to calculate the total number of cookies she wants to make.

One dozen is equal to 12 cookies. So, to find out the total number of cookies for 4 1/3 dozen, we need to multiply 12 by 4 1/3.

To convert the mixed number 4 1/3 into an improper fraction, we multiply the whole number (4) by the denominator (3) and add the numerator (1) to get 13. Then, we place the result over the denominator to get 13/3.

Now, we can multiply 12 by 13/3 to find out the total number of cookies:
12 * 13/3 = 156/3 = 52

So, Selena wants to make a total of 52 cookies.

Next, we need to determine how much brown sugar is required for one dozen cookies. It is given that for one dozen cookies, she needs 2/3 cup of brown sugar.

To find out how much brown sugar she needs for 52 cookies, we need to multiply 2/3 by 52.

2/3 * 52 = (2 * 52) / 3 = 104/3

Therefore, Selena needs 104/3 cups of brown sugar to make 4 1/3 dozen cookies.