is foresight a verb?

No. Foresight is only used as a noun.

she used her foresight to make the meal.

foresight is a noun?

I have to explain this to my 9 year old.

Yes, foresight is a noun. Nouns name people, places, things, and ideas. Foresight is an idea.

Other nouns that could fit in that sentence include mind, imagination, recipe, and ideas.

No, "foresight" is not a verb. It is a noun that refers to the ability to predict or anticipate future events or outcomes. In this case, "foresight" is the noun form of the adjective "foresee."

To determine whether a word is a verb or not, you can consult a dictionary. Most dictionaries provide information about a word's part of speech. Online dictionaries such as Merriam-Webster or Oxford English Dictionary can be helpful in providing this information. Simply searching for the word, along with the phrase "part of speech," will often yield the desired result, allowing you to find out if the word you are looking for is a verb, noun, adjective, or other part of speech.