So, I need a thesis statement for a research paper for Murder on the Orient Express. (Sorry to keep posting a new question each time) But I've thought about the answers you guys have given me and I'm thinking something along the lines of: "In certain situations, murder can be considered a justified action." I'm probably trying too hard, and it probably isn't that good. Can you guys maybe try to help me turn that statement into more of a thesis?

I think one of your problems is your insistence on using the word "murder" -- what words could you use in its place that would make the idea more comprehensible?

Uhh....homicide? Would that be a good word?

Thanks so much for your help. (:

Anyone who completed a full essay who is willing to share

Of course, I can help you refine your thesis statement for your research paper on Murder on the Orient Express. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to turn your initial statement into a stronger thesis:

1. Identify the main themes of the novel: Analyze Murder on the Orient Express to determine its key themes or ideas. Consider aspects such as justice, morality, guilt, or the complexity of human nature that are central to the story.

2. Make your thesis more specific: Your initial statement is quite broad, so it's important to focus on a specific aspect of murder that you want to explore in your paper. Narrowing down your idea will make your thesis statement more concise and manageable.

3. Consider the characters and their motivations: Reflect on the different characters in Murder on the Orient Express, paying attention to their individual motivations for committing or justifying murder. Pick one or two characters who exemplify your main idea, such as Colonel Arbuthnot or Mrs. Hubbard.

4. Formulate a clear stance: Take a definitive position on the issue of justified murder in Murder on the Orient Express. Decide whether you believe murder can, in fact, be justified in certain circumstances, or if you argue against it. This will shape the direction of your thesis.

5. Incorporate the above elements to create your refined thesis statement: Here's an example based on the information provided:

"Through the exploration of various characters' motives and their pursuit of justice, Murder on the Orient Express challenges the readers' perspective by presenting situations where murder is portrayed as potentially justified, highlighting the complex moral dilemmas involved."

Remember, this thesis statement serves as a foundation for your research paper, so ensure that it aligns with the evidence and arguments you intend to present. Feel free to modify it further to better suit your specific analysis and the direction you want to take in your paper.