How would you convince a fellow student that the number 0.57 is a rational number?

Okay, I got it- I took that quiz!!!!

0.57 is a rational number because it can be expressed as the quotient of two integers: 57 ÷ 1. It can be written as a fraction, 57/100

mikayla why you look at this website if you do not cheat???!!!!


Mikayla you ask questions too

Pardon Mrs. Mikaya, but I have seen over 70 post from you!!! Girl Please!!!

@Mikayla why do you even go on this site? To make sure we feel bad for asking for help? There's nothing wrong about asking for help and there is no need for you to be so rude. If you have a problem keep it to yourself.

Mikayla, you simply put the words in your own words hun

Mikayla, It's not plagiarism if you put the the words from the original thing in your own words, add on to your work maybe get a few wrong in your sentence.

In order to convince a fellow student that .57 is a rational number is to explain to them that both 57 and 100 can be expressed as fractions. For examples, 57 can be expressed as 57/1 because it's an integer and 100 can also be expressed as 100/1. When both integers can be expressed as fractions, then the decimal is a rational number.

thanks delilah!

From just asking a question y'all all started fighting I mean both sides are right just please be nice to each other.

Also the answers are,
1.B=1 1/2
4.D=Siri: There's a mistake with changing the mixed number to an improper fraction as well as in changing the division problem to multiplication.
7.C=6 2/7
I just took the test 100%
For number 9 I put: 0.57 can be split into two integers 57 and 1 or 57/1. It can also be a fraction 57/100.

I really don't know if number 9 is even right XD
Good Luck Children!!!

The only reason most of you are here is because you are looking for answers so shut your mouths calling out others for it.


Dang you guys are acting like looking at answers on a quiz is going to ruin my entire life. Not everybody is going to need math in their futures but it does help to know.

actually some people need help and people on here actually explain the problem which helps the student understand well sometimes they explain it XD

1. b

2. d
3. a
4. c
5. d
6. c
7. a
8. a
9. DIY

Ya'll need to get over yourselves. and yes...your welcome


Thank you, Delilah!

i mean it WON'T feed u a thing


yea u r absolutely right, cuz some of us are just trying to make it through grade school. and get it over with, and my mom wants to keep me homeschooled forever and that's not happening so next year we are possibly going to do homeschool and public school at the same time. its called hybrid schooling. where you do homeschool some days and do some extra classes in public school other days sounds like some of you guys on here could talk to your parents about this.

@tari is right y’all need to shut up & stop .

now have a great day . 🖤

To all those who are upset because of these answers:

I completely understand where you are coming from, but consider this: some people will not use this information in day to day life. I have never, ever, had to convince someone why a number is rational unless it was at school. Chances are, most people aren't planning on having a job that uses this information. I came on here because I was really confused and genuinely needed help. I agree we should all try our best, but there is nothing wrong with asking for help and/or checking your answers. Be honest: don't you think if you were unsure if a number was rational in real life, you would look it up. I don't think its right to cheat, and some of you are right in saying you won't be able to access this site if you are in the middle of an in-school exam, but that is the business of all who just don't make an effort. Please don't get all upset with me because I have tried to write this as kindly as possible.

Lol why u defending someone from 3 years ago when we all know she was on here for the same thing

just ceep trying you will get there.

Hey there Delilah what’s it like in NYC your a thousand miles away .

Nun ya is right because they have this app where they run your work through it and see if you copy and pasted on the word prombles so please at least spell somethings wrong or add on to it

Also, just to help you guys out, I watched a video that really helped--

Just look up 'What is a rational number' and click on the video posted by Khan Academy on July 19, 2019
I would totally suggest looking at some of the other videos. My question was answered within the first 20 seconds! 😋
(PS: I'm sorry I wanted to post a URL but it wouldn't let me, probably because its scared I'll post a link to something bad 😑)

Hey Mikayla, it's not plagiarism. We all need help sometimes. Having someone else explain it to us helps us learn. Also if you are here that means that you need help as well, which is okay. This website is to help students learn not to cheat.

.57 does not equal 57 divided by 1. 57 divided by 1 is 57, not the decimal .57

Please do not look for answers online. Sometimes they are incorrect and this will confuse you even more. Ask your teachers for help if you are stuck. We are here to help! :)

Ya anyone who comes to this site obviously is here to cheat aha! #me

Why does Nun ya is right have wt I put -_-

Nvm forgot I changed my name:p

Dj is correct I got 100%

Guys it not cheating if you did the best you can on the test ,then before you turn the test in you go to this website and check your answer and if you did it wrong you change the answer.

its funny how the person who posted the question is full grown adult now and people still commenting on their question

Is that right please tell me

the better version of is right

Dude everyone needs to stop trying to make a point tbh just use the app and move on lol


How would you convince a fellow student that the number 0.57 is a rational number?

My answer: It's a rational number because it has the quotient of 2 integers 57÷1 and you can right it as a fraction of 57/100.
You're welcome<3

Okay! i know people are confused and want the @Mikayla thing to stop. but i need to say something. I come on this app to check my answer and sometimes, i do cheat. I came on here becuase i dont know how to word it, and sometimes i need to see other peoples answers and then make the best out of mine. Proving the same point but in my own words. I am not plagiarizing, i am simply taking insparation and seeing how i am going to word MY answer.

umm i calculated and if she was in 8th grade now she is in collage so maybe you should stop yelling at her????

i don't know i am having the same problem on this question sorry


the better version of what?

OH! "the better version of" IS A NAME! it all makes sense now!

I completely agree 100%

@Mikayla We're not copying from someone else They gave us the freaking answer

can you guys stop with the mikayla thing? it’s been years. i just need the answer i’m so confused

Mikayla gone wit all of dat cuz if you was doing the right thing you would not be on the site dummy. Don't play so innocent lil girl. cuz u aint

over 5 years later and Mikayla is still get yelled at by all of us, Mikayla has graduated and is most likely in college. BUT YOU STILL STUPID Mikayla

I just come here because the quizez account for alot of your grade and if you mess up your pretty much screwed.


@Better version of...... is wrong! I just took the test and he was wrong on 75% of the answers! I suggest using calculator soup and PhotoMath.

I have photo math but it for some reason wont "Photo" my math

Basically all of you are wrong....... I understand people come on here to only get answers so they can cheat I understand that but for the rest of you that need help at least try and if you get it wrong ask your teacher what you did wrong when solving it instead of coming here but if it is last minute and your teacher is out of office then come on here and see if there is anybody that will help you understand what you have to do..... don’t just come here for answer try first then ask you teacher

Tehehe I’m here to copy answers

You guys need to not be so rude to Mikayla, she was just trying to help. Don't let them get to you Mikayla. and you do clearly have a brain

Do your own homework. How do you think your learning if your copying from someone else. For one that is plagarisying and rude. You will never learn if you don't study and answer from your own brain. I've seen over 50 questions from just you. Seems to me like you don't try at all on any of the questions. I know this because I take the same exact quizzes/tests. DO YOUR OWN WORK.