After reading cat's eye by margaret Atwood, I had to write a essay. the essay required me to write an analytical essay detailing 3 events in the story where Atwood notably develops specific character traits in elaine Risley so that the reader can

Identify with very human and universal character traits crafted throughout the novel.

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I would like some ideas or suggestions on how to approach this essay. Thanks.

Your thesis statement should state the three character traits you intend to discuss. Be sure these traits are those that typical readers can identify with.

Make an outline of the details of each of these traits.

Write your paper fleshing out the details.

To write an analytical essay detailing specific events in a novel and how they develop character traits, follow these steps:

1. Read and understand the novel: Read the book thoroughly, paying close attention to the character of Elaine Risley and her journey throughout the story. Take note of key events and moments that shape her character.

2. Identify character traits: Look for specific character traits that stand out in Elaine Risley. These traits should be relatable and universal, making her a human character that readers can identify with. Some possible traits could include resilience, insecurity, ambition, vulnerability, or resilience.

3. Identify three events: Choose three events or instances in the novel where Atwood notably develops these character traits in Elaine Risley. These events should showcase the traits you have identified and provide evidence to support your analysis.

4. Analyze each event: For each event you choose, analyze how Atwood develops the specific character trait through her writing. Look for descriptions, dialogue, thoughts, or actions of Elaine Risley that highlight the trait. Consider the impact of these traits on the reader's perception of Elaine's character.

5. Provide evidence: Support your analysis with evidence from the novel. Quote relevant passages, descriptions, or dialogue that illustrate how Atwood develops the character traits in Elaine Risley. Be sure to explain why these passages are significant and how they contribute to the readers' understanding of her character.

6. Connect to readers' identification: Throughout your essay, emphasize how these character traits make Elaine Risley relatable and human. Discuss how readers can identify with these traits on a personal level and why they are universal experiences. Use examples from the novel and draw parallels to readers' own experiences to strengthen your argument.

7. Structure your essay: Create a clear and logical structure for your essay. Begin with an engaging introduction that provides some background information about the novel and your thesis statement. Then, dedicate one body paragraph to each event you have chosen, analyzing how it develops a specific character trait in Elaine Risley. Use topic sentences to guide each paragraph and transitions to ensure a smooth flow between ideas. Finally, end your essay with a conclusion that summarizes your main points and reinforces the significance of Elaine Risley's character traits.

8. Revise and proofread: Once you have written your essay, revise it for clarity, coherence, and coherence. Check for any grammar or spelling errors, and ensure that your arguments are well-supported with evidence from the novel. Make sure your essay makes a clear and persuasive case for how Margaret Atwood develops character traits in Elaine Risley.

Remember, while writing your analytical essay, it's crucial to stay true to the events and themes presented in the novel. Your task is to explain and analyze how specific events contribute to the development of character traits in Elaine Risley, allowing readers to identify with her on a deeper and more universal level.