Todd has indigo, yellow, pink, and red flowers in his green house. The ratio of indigo flowers to yellow is 3 to 5. The ratio of yellow to pink is 2 to 4. The ratio of indigo flowers to red is 2 to 5. There are 6 indigo flowers. How many flowers of each color is Todd growing?

Please explain.

Let I, Y, P, and R be the numbers of each color. Each letter stands for the color.
I/Y = 3/5
Y/P = 1/2
I/R = 2/5
I = 6
That is four equations in four unknowns. They already told you the value of I.
Y = (5/3) I
Y = 10
Proceed with the equations to have to get R and P

A turtle crawls a hill 2 feet and slides back 1 foot each attempt. How many attempts will it take to reach the 14 foot hill?

Please explain.

To find the number of yellow flowers, we can use the ratio given: I/Y = 3/5. Since we know that I (indigo flowers) is 6, we can substitute that value into the equation: 6/Y = 3/5.

To solve for Y, we can cross-multiply: 3Y = 6 * 5. Simplifying, we get: 3Y = 30. Dividing both sides by 3, we find that Y = 10.

So Todd has 10 yellow flowers.

Next, let's find the number of pink flowers. We can use the given ratio: Y/P = 2/4. Since we know Y is 10, we can substitute that value into the equation: 10/P = 2/4.

To solve for P, we can cross-multiply: 2P = 10 * 4. Simplifying, we get: 2P = 40. Dividing both sides by 2, we find that P = 20.

So Todd has 20 pink flowers.

Finally, let's find the number of red flowers. We can use the given ratio: I/R = 2/5. Since we know that I is 6, we can substitute that value into the equation: 6/R = 2/5.

To solve for R, we can cross-multiply: 2R = 6 * 5. Simplifying, we get: 2R = 30. Dividing both sides by 2, we find that R = 15.

So Todd has 15 red flowers.

In summary, Todd has 6 indigo flowers, 10 yellow flowers, 20 pink flowers, and 15 red flowers in his greenhouse.