16. In an essay, discuss the techniques William Melvin Kelley uses to characterize

Mama. Describe at least three of her traits and how you as a reader learn about
these traits (direct or indirect characterization). Use details from “A Visit to Grandmother”
to support your character description.

17. In an essay, describe Mama’s approach to raising her ten children. Then, tell
whether or not you think her approach was a good one. Use examples from “A Visit
to Grandmother” and from real life to explain your opinion.

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To discuss the techniques William Melvin Kelley uses to characterize Mama in the essay and to analyze her approach to raising her ten children, you will need to examine the details provided in "A Visit to Grandmother" and draw parallels to real-life experiences. Here's a suggested approach to tackle both questions:

1. Introduce Mama's character and her role in the story:
- Briefly describe Mama's initial appearance and role in the narrative.
- Mention that understanding Mama's traits and her parenting approach is crucial to comprehending the essay's themes.

2. Explain direct characterization techniques used by Kelley:
- Direct characterization is when the author explicitly describes a character's traits.
- Identify instances in the story where Kelley overtly characterizes Mama.
- Quote or paraphrase the narration or dialogues that reveal Mama's traits.
- These direct descriptions will serve as the foundation for your subsequent analysis.

3. Analyze Mama's traits:
- Discuss at least three of Mama's traits, referring to direct characterization and specific examples from the text.
- For each trait, explore its significance in understanding Mama as a character.
- Consider how these traits may influence her role as a mother and her interactions with her children.

4. Explore indirect characterization techniques used by Kelley:
- Indirect characterization is when the author reveals a character's traits through their actions, behavior, or other characters' perceptions.
- Identify instances in the story where Mama's character traits are indirectly portrayed.
- Quote or paraphrase descriptions, actions, or reactions that offer insight into Mama's personality.
- Explain how you, as a reader, learn about Mama's traits through these indirect cues.

5. Evaluate Mama's approach to raising her ten children:
- Describe Mama's approach to parenting based on your analysis of her traits and the events in the story.
- Discuss whether you think her approach was a good one or not.
- Support your evaluation with examples from the text that reflect her effectiveness or ineffectiveness as a mother.
- Draw comparisons to real-life experiences, if applicable, to strengthen your argument.

6. Summarize and conclude:
- Summarize the main points made in your essay about Mama's characterization and her approach to parenting.
- Restate your evaluation of whether her approach was effective or not.
- Conclude by highlighting the impact of Mama's character and parenting style on the larger themes of the essay.

Remember to use evidence from "A Visit to Grandmother" to support your character analysis and evaluation, and draw connections to real-life examples for a well-rounded argument.