I need to present arguments for and against imperialism in the 19th century and state if it was UN-American or not.

How would you like us to help you with this assignment?

I believe if I had an example of the arguments for and against I would be able to go from there.






To obtain arguments for and against imperialism in the 19th century and determine whether it was UN-American or not, you can follow these steps:

1. Research imperialism in the 19th century: Start by gathering information about the historical context, motivations, and impact of imperialism during this period. Look for reliable sources such as history books, scholarly articles, and reputable websites.

2. Arguments for imperialism:
- Economic motives: Proponents of imperialism argued that it provided access to raw materials, new markets, and increased trade opportunities, leading to economic growth and prosperity.
- National pride and power: Supporters claimed that imperialism strengthened a nation's position in the world by expanding its territorial control, establishing colonies, and increasing military strength.
- Civilizing mission: Some argued that imperialism was a means to spread Western culture, values, and institutions, aiming to uplift and modernize indigenous populations.

3. Arguments against imperialism:
- Violation of self-determination: Critics believed that imperialism suppressed the autonomy and rights of colonized peoples, denying them the ability to determine their own political, social, and economic future.
- Exploitation: Detractors pointed out that imperialism often led to the exploitation of natural resources and cheap labor in colonized regions, benefiting imperial powers at the expense of local populations.
- Cultural destruction: Some argued that imperialism eroded indigenous cultures, customs, and languages, replacing them with those of the colonizers, leading to the erosion of cultural diversity.

4. Evaluating if imperialism was UN-American:
- Analyze American values: Assess whether these arguments align with the core principles and values traditionally associated with the United States, such as liberty, democracy, and equal rights for all.
- Consider historical context: Examine how imperialism fits within the broader narrative of American history, taking into account factors like Manifest Destiny, westward expansion, and discussions on national identity.

5. Formulate your conclusion: Based on your research and analysis, form your own opinion on whether imperialism in the 19th century was UN-American or not. Remember to back up your conclusion with evidence and arguments from both sides.

By following these steps, you can gather the necessary knowledge and perspectives to present arguments for and against imperialism in the 19th century and determine its alignment with American values.