combine items below to create questions

Tu/querer/estudiar/conmigo/en la biblioteca

Tu quierres estudia conmigo en la biblioteca.

Ustedes/poder/comprar/refrescos/para la fiesta

I am confused on this one??????

Remember that they are asking for questions. The verb must come first.

Tu/querer/estudiar/conmigo/en la biblioteca

Quieres (tu) estudiar conmigo en la biblioteca ?

Ustedes/poder/comprar/refrescos/para la fiesta

Pueden Uds. comprar refrescos para a fiesta?

Wait for the definitive answer from SraMcGin. I can't type accents and upside down ?'s

i have to right out the word ustedes is that correct

To play it safe, write it out. I was taught to abbreviate it, and am not sure about the capitalization.

Thank you for working on this as I slept! Note I get up early now, Sam, to catch you before you go to school!

Statement word order = subject + verb = tú piensas

Question word order = verb + subject = ¿piensas tú...?

As for the abbreviation for usted/ustedes, it has a very interesting story. In the olden days (don Quijote, for example) it was "vuestra merced" = your mercy/grace. Of course that was too cumbersome to write so it was originally shortened to vd/Vd but that could have an unpleasant connotation, so it has modernized to ud/Ud. So, should you ever want the abbreviation, Ud./Uds or Vd/Vds. is it!


P.S. When you write it out "usted" and "ustedes" is correct, unless it is the first word in a sentence; then it is capitalized. (Usted/Ustedes)

To create a question using the given items, you need to rearrange them and add the appropriate question words. Let's break it down:

Tu/querer/estudiar/conmigo/en la biblioteca.
(You/want/to study/with me/in the library.)

To create a question, start with the appropriate question word ('What' or 'When,' etc.), followed by the conjugated verb and the subject. In this case, we can use "¿Quieres tú" as the question phrase, followed by the remaining items:

¿Quieres tú estudiar conmigo en la biblioteca?
(Do you want to study with me in the library?)

Ustedes/poder/comprar/refrescos/para la fiesta.
(You all/can/buy/drinks/for the party.)

To create a question, start with the appropriate question word ('Can,' 'Are,' etc.), followed by the conjugated verb and the subject. In this case, we can use "¿Pueden ustedes" as the question phrase, followed by the remaining items:

¿Pueden ustedes comprar refrescos para la fiesta?
(Can you all buy drinks for the party?)

Remember to adjust the verb conjugation and question word according to the context and the subject of the sentence.