If a student desires to produce three times larger and an erect image from a double convex lens with focal length of 15 cm ,then he should place the object from the lens at ;

To determine the position where the object should be placed from the double convex lens in order to produce a three times larger and erect image, we can use the lens formula:

1/f = 1/v - 1/u

f = focal length of the lens
v = image distance from the lens (positive for an erect image, negative for an inverted image)
u = object distance from the lens

f = 15 cm
Desired magnification = 3

We know that magnification (m) is given by:

m = v/u

Therefore, we can rewrite the lens formula in terms of magnification:

1/f = 1/v - m/u

Substituting the values:
f = 15 cm
m = 3

1/15 = 1/v - 3/u

Now, we need to find a relationship between v and u to solve the equation. Since the image is three times larger and erect, the magnification (m) will be positive.

m = v/u
3 = v/u

Therefore, we can substitute v/u with 3 in the lens formula:

1/15 = 1/v - 3/u

Now, we can rearrange the equation and solve for u:

1/v = 3/u + 1/15

Multiply both sides by v(3/u + 1/15):

1 = 3v/u + v/15

Combine the terms with v:

1 - v/15 = 3v/u

Multiply both sides by u to eliminate the fraction:

u - v/15u = 3v

Multiply both sides by 15u:

15u^2 - vu = 45v

Rearrange the equation to quadratic form:

15u^2 - vu - 45v = 0

Now we have a quadratic equation. To solve for u, we need to know the value of v or vice versa. Without the specific value of v, we cannot determine the exact position where the object should be placed from the lens to achieve the desired conditions.